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Chinese Ring Conversion Chart Download For Windows 10

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Chinese Ring Conversion Chart Download For Windows 10

Select a ring size in one category, the rest will change to match How to determine your ring sizeWrap a piece of string or a strip of paper around your finger.. Divide that by 3 14 to get the diameter of your finger Look up your ring size using the form above. Click

DIFFERENT SIZES – NUMBERS OR LETTERS?The third and most confusing part is how the particular country or region chooses to assign sizes to measurements.

E g 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4… § France , allocates ring sizes from mm using a numerical scale with half sizes while Switzerland, also gives quarter sizes. Click

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Visit how to size rings and we’ll show you 2 easy ways to figure it out. Click